About Us

Technical Help for Non-Technical Churches

Church Tech Help was started in 2020 by Benjamin Plain after seeing a need for more authoritative knowledge about technical resources at conservative churches. He found that the information that was available was either focused towards contemporary styles (e.g. drums, guitars, etc.) or was only known by a few individuals, and often tainted by bad experiences or faulty conclusions.


Our mission is to promote the cause of Christ by providing churches and ministries with the knowledge and understanding of technology so that they are enabled to better achieve their purpose.


  • To instill a desire for spiritual growth through encouraging blog posts
  • To provide technical courses
  • To promote physical and legal safety
  • To enable the unseen organs of the body so they may enable the rest of the body (1 Cor. 12:12)
    Many times, church members are uncomfortable volunteering for the media ministry because they do not know what is expected of them or how to meet those expectations.
  • To establish a standard of excellence for church technology

Running Costs

We want to openly show how we plan to fund this ministry.

  1. In the beginning stage, we will try to use free services.
  2. Once established as a non-profit, we will start accepting donations.
  3. Once we get training done, certifications will provide more income.

Once sufficient income is established to maintain Church Tech Help as a non-profit organization, we will pay our employees. This will enable our employees to focus more on research, materials, and providing services to churches. Currently all employees are volunteers and work at other jobs.

Any excess income will be saved and used for helping small churches with technology.